
Le méthodisme francophone - Bibliographie choisie d’ouvrages en d’autres langues

ABOUADAOU, Said, I was an Algerian Preacher. Vantage Press, Washington 1971 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

Armand de Kerpezdron, Breton noble, Methodist Pioneer, 1772-1854. Teamprint, Trinity Methodist Church, Loughborough 1982 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

ASHMORE, Ann L., North Africa, Land of Destiny: The Story of Sue Robinson. The Parthenon Press, Nashville 1959 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

BARCLAY, Wade Crawford, History of Methodist Missions, vol. III: The Methodist Episcopal Church 1845-1939: Widening Horizons 1845-95. The Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, New York 1957 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

BLACK, Jeremy, The Originis of Methodism : An Unpublished Early French Account [of August 1739]. Dans : Englightenment and Dissent, No. 6, 1987. pp. 115-117.

BOLLAND, Ton, Nieuwe Testament. Kerkgeschiedenis. Reveil. Methodisme … uit de bibliotheken van Prof. Dr. A. C. Honders-Groningen, Dr. P. L. Schram-Abcoude : boekenveiling = book auction sale … 18 mei 1995 … Amsterdam. [Bib Royale de Belgique-Bruxelles.be]

BURT, William, Europe and Methodism. Jennings and Graham, Cincinnati 1909 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

BULAYUMI, Espérance-Ngayibata, Das christliche Königreich von Kongo. Diplomarbeit eingereicht an der Katholisch-theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Magisters der Theologie. Wien 1991 (polycopié) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

CANNON, James III, History of Southern Methodist Missions. Cokesbury Press, Nashville 1926 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

CLARK, Elmer T., The Rebirth of Protestantism in Europe. General Sunday School Board, Department of Missionary Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Nashville Tennessee 1925 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

COPPLESTONE, J. Tremayne, History of Methodist Missions, vol. IV: Twentieth-Century Perspectives (The Methodist Episcopal Church, 1896-1939). The Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church, New York 1973 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

DEMING, James Clifford, Protestantism and society in France: Revivalism and the French Reformed Church in the department of the Gard, 1815-1848. Dissertation non-publiée, University of Notre Dame, 1989 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

ELLER, Paul Himmel, History of Evangelical Missions. Evangelical Press, Harrisburg Pennsylvania 1942 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

De evangelist: Vlaamsch Methodistisch Orgaan. Brussel (Coll.: 3(1933)11; 4 (1934)3) [Bib Royale de Belgique-Bruxelles.be]

FINDLAY, G. G., and HOLDSWORTH, W. W., The History of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, vol. IV. The Epworth Press, London 1922 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

GALLAND, Louis-Frédéric, Te Porotetani mautritiha ei reo Tahiti no roto i te hoe puta i te reo farani i papaihia e te orometua ra o L.-F. Galland. (traduction en tahitien de : Savez-vous bien ce que c’est qu’un vrai protestant ?, ou le protestantisme étudié à la lumière de la Bible) Impr. de A. Coueslant, Cahors 1902 [bnf.fr]

GARBER, Paul Neff, The Methodists of Continental Europe. Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, New York 1949 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

De garve: Uitgave van de Evangelische Methodisten-Zending. Brussel (s. d.) [Bib Royale de Belgique-Bruxelles.be]

GIBSON, W., The Abbé de Lamennais and the liberal catholic movement in France. Longmans, London 1896 [bnf.fr]

GRIFFITH, Lester E. Jr., The Silent Martyrs : My 40 Days and Nights with the Algerian Rebels. (s. l. n. d., chez l’auteur) (ca. 2002)

Memorials of the Rev. William Toase: consisting principally of extracts from his Journals and correspondence, illustrative of the rise and progress of Methodism in France and the Channel Islands. Compiled by a Friend. With an introduction by the Rev. William Arthur. Wesleyan Conference Office, London 1874 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

Methodism in France : A quaterly published in the interests of the French mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church and devoted to aggressive evangelism in France – Vol. I (1911), no. 3; Vol. II (1912/13), no. 1-4; Vol. III (1913/14), no. 1-4 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

Methodism in Europe. A quaterly Magazine. Methodist Press, Rome 1908 (no. 1-4) – 1913 (no. 1) (sans 1910 no. 4) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

The Methodist Episcopal Church in France. Maurice Ferrey, Paris (s. d.) (1931 ?) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

MIGNOT, Arthur, ‘Mon Plaisir’ and the Methodists of Guernsey. Dans : PWHS, vol. 53/2 (May 2001), pp. 42-45

Missionary Centenary 1819-1919: World Survey. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Missionary Centenary Commission, Nashville Tenn. (sans année) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

MOORE, R. D., Methodism in the Channel Islands. The Epworth Press, London 1952 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

NOPPEN, Jean-Pierre van, Critical Theolinguistics: Methodism, Its Discourse and its Work Ethic. L.A.U.D. (Series A, no. 400) Duisburg 1996 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]
-, The English Hymn: A Discourse Perspective. Dans: BELL. Papers of the Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education (BAAHE) L3, Liège 2001, pp. 11-25
-, Methodist Discourse and Industrial Work Ethic: A Critical Theolinguistic Approach. Dans: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 73/3 (1995), pp. 693-714
-, Reading Wesley Today: A Discourse Approach. Dans: ARC, The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill, 32 (2004), pp. 211-231.
-, Transforming Words: The Early Methodist Revival from a Discourse Perspective. Peter Lang, Bern 1999 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

NUELSEN, John L. (et al.), Kurzgefasste Geschichte des Methodismus von seinen Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Traktathaus, Bremen 1920 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]; 2e éd. rév., Verlagshaus der Methodistenkirche, Bremen 1929 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

NUSSBAUMER, Eric, Eine Gemeinde … Ein Haus: 125 Jahre Gemeinde, 100 Jahre Kapelle in der Beaux-Arts 11 – Neuchâtel. EMK, Neuchâtel 1990 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

Receuil de Cantiques Arabes. Publié sous les auspices de l’Eglise Méthodiste Episcopale de l’Afrique du Nord aux frais de l’Association Mondiale des Ecoles du Dimanche. Publications Méthodistes, Alger (sans année) [metharch-Drew.usa]

ROLLIN Martin, Historical Memoir of the Ecclesiastical State of the French Protestants, from the Time of Frances I to Lewis XVIII. Translated from the French by William Toase. T. Blanshard, London 1818 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

SHORT, Roy H., History of Methodism in Europe. Based upon the unfinished manuscript of Bishop Paul N. Garber. Office of the Secretary of the Council of Bishops of the UMC, October 1980 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

SOMMER, C. Ernst, und STECKEL, Karl (Hrg.), Geschichte der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche: Weg, Wesen und Auftrag des Methodismus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschsprachigen Länder Europas. Christliches Verlagshaus GmbH, Stuttgart 1982 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

SPRINGER, John McKendree, Christian Conquests in the Congo. Methodist Book Concern, Cincinnati 1927 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

STREIFF, Patrick, Die Heiligungsbewegung in Frankreich und der französische Methodismus. Dans : Mitteilungen der Studiengemeinschaft für Geschichte der EmK. Reutlingen 1994/1, pp. 28-43
-, Jean Guillaume de la Fléchère / John William Fletcher 1729-1785. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Methodismus. P. Lang, Bern 1984 (version allemande) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]
-, Reluctant Saint? A Theological Biography of Fletcher of Madeley. Epworth Press, London 2001 (version anglaise) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]
-, Der Methodismus in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. EmK-Geschichte – Monografien: Band 50. Medienwerk der EmK, Stuttgart 2003 (version allemande) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]
-, Methodism in Europe: 19th and 20th century. Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary. Tallinn 2003 (version anglaise) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]
-, Wie “methodistisch” war die Erweckung in der französischsprachigen Schweiz? Dans : Mitteilungen der Studiengemeinschaft für Geschichte der EmK. Reutlingen 1995/2, pp. 30-56

TOASE, William, A Funeral sermon delivered in the Wesleyan chapel, rue Royale, Paris … November 11th 1838, on occasion of the death of Mr. Frederic Warner, house-surgeon to the Hampshire county hospital. J.-J. Risler, Paris (s. d.) [bnf.fr]
-, General shipwreck relief society for all nations, a sermon preached at the Wesleyan chapel, rue Royale, Paris … February 23rd 1840. Delay, Paris 1841 [bnf.fr]
-, The Revival of the Work of God, a sermon preached at the Wesleyan chapel, rue Royale 23, Paris … January 10th 1840. Delay, Paris 1841 [bnf.fr]
-, The Wesleyan Mission in France: with an account of the labours of Wesleyan ministers among the French prisoners, during the late war. John Mason, London 1835 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]
-, The Wesleyan centenary, a sermon preached at the Wesleyan chapel, rue Royale, Paris, on Sunday, October 27th 1839. J.-J. Risler, Paris 1839 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

WALKER, F. Deaville, The Story of the Ivory Coast. Cargate Press, London 1930 (3rd rev. ed.) [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

WALLER, John, British Wesleyan Methodism and the Post-War Recovery of Methodism in France 1871-74. Dans : Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. Vol. XLV/4 (February 1986), pp. 97-115
-, Edmond Gounelle and his Thesis. Dans : Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. Vol. XLVI/4 (February 1988), pp. 97-99
-, A Methodist Pilgrimage in France: The Journal of Matthew Gallienne, 1877. Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough 1989 [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

Wesleyan Methodist Missions in France. (For use of Committee only.) (s.l., s.d.) [après 1892] [cmft-Lausanne.ch]

Titres non repérés dans des catalogues informatisés :

HUET, D., Sermons translated from the French of Pastor D. Huet by W. Toase and R. Robarts. (sans année) [ ?]

TOASE, William, Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Arrivé. Guernsey 1818 [ ?]
-, Memoirs of Rev. R. Robarts. Guernsey 1820 [ ?]
-, Memoirs of Miss Caroline Smelt. Translated into French. (sans année) [ ?]
-, A Translation of Pictet’s ‘Roman Catholic Religion Examined, and its Errors Refuted’. 1827 [ ?]